Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in /home/wwwroot/slmc/wwwroot/e/action/ShowInfo.php on line 2 耀皮玻璃集团联手板硝子集团在江苏合资工厂生产新型阳光控制节能玻璃


2011-07-19 17:16:13 来源:中国塑料门窗网 作者:王寅峰 阅读:  字体 :

       耀皮玻璃集团(以下简称SYP)和日本板硝子集团(以下简称NSG)联合宣布将在今年9月于江苏皮尔金顿耀皮玻璃有限公司(NSG与SYP的合资工厂)生产新型阳光控制低辐射玻璃 – Pilkington Solar-E™ 47蓝灰色玻璃。这款新产品是专为满足中国建筑市场的节能需求而特别设计的。
        江苏耀皮自2009年起成功生产Pilkington Energy Advantage™, 一款拥有高太阳能得热系数的低辐射玻璃。Pilkington Solar-E™ 47蓝灰色将是第二款投产的节能产品.它采用全球知名的皮尔金顿在线热解镀膜技术生产,拥有非常低的遮阳系数。其蓝灰色的膜层不仅具有大方美观的色彩,还能在提供低辐射隔热性的同时控制太阳能传递。在线热解膜层在浮法线上已经过氧化处理,可如普通玻璃一样轻松加工,并能单片使用。
        皮尔金顿建筑玻璃中国区总裁Julian Barnes说道:“我们对能够在中国在线镀膜产品系列中再添这样一款产品感到非常高兴。Pilkington Energy Advantage™已经兼备最具品质的浮法玻璃以及最耐用的低辐射膜层,并很快成为了市场主导产品。而Pilkington Solar-E™ 47蓝灰色将满足中国较温暖的地区的需求,并拥有同类别产品中最优异的性能,是商用及民用建筑的理想选择.它能帮助建筑在夏天减少冷气的消耗,在冬天节省暖气的使用从而降低整个中国的能源消耗。”

     SYP and NSG Group to manufacture new
   Solar Control Energy-saving Glass at Jiangsu Joint Venture

    Shanghai Yaohua Pilkington Glass Group (SYP) and Nippon Sheet Glass (NSG Group) jointly announce that Jiangsu Pilkington SYP Glass Co., Ltd (JSYP, a joint venture between SYP and NSG) will begin production of a new solar control low-e glass Pilkington Solar-E™ 47 Blue-Grey, in September. The product performance has been specifically designed to meet the climatic needs of the China architectural markets.
    JSYP has successfully produced Pilkington Energy Advantage™ , a high Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) low-e glass since 2009. Pilkington Solar-E™ 47 Blue-Grey is a very low SHGC glass. This is new solar control low-e glass and will be produced by the world renowned Pilkington pyrolytic online coating technology. The blue grey color coating is not only for aesthetic purposes but also for its ability to control solar energy transmission whilst retaining its low-e thermal insulation benefit. The pyrolytic coating is fully oxidized in the coating process. It can be processed like normal float glass and can be used monolithically.
Pilkington Building Products Managing Director Julian Barnes commented: “We are delighted to add this much needed product to our range of on line coated glass in China. Pilkington Energy Advantage ™ already incorporates the highest quality float and most durable low e coating and has soon become the market leader. The addition of Pilkington Solar-E™ 47 Blue-Grey will meet the requirements of the warmer parts of China and will give the best performance in its class making it ideal for Commercial and Residential applications. Its proper use will reduce the need for air conditioning in the summer and space heating in winter and so help reduce China’s energy consumption”.